Creating Green Valley Project

Fall 2020

Our interns work with graphic designer Neil Hubert to create the Green Valley Project logo, website, and youtube channel in our first ever communications internship program! We debuted Green Valley Project with a safely masked, socially distanced launch event in December 2020. Hit play to “attend” our launch, as GVP and our partner orgs restore Ojai Meadows Preserve by planting native oak circles.

Creating Content

Spring 2021

In 2021, our interns worked with mentor Pete Deneen to start developing content for our Blog, Instagram, and Youtube channel. Interns would take turns posting Instagram stories, adding to our feed, and discussing important environmental issues to our growing social media community.

Re-Oaking Ojai

Fall 2021

Our interns created content on tiktok, youtube, instagram, and our blog about the importance of protecting trees and promoted our restoration project Re-Oaking Ojai, where we planted 50 free oak trees with a generou donation and volunteer support from Ojai Trees.

Empowering Like Summer

Spring 2022

Our interns have put together a photo series depicting our efforts to save the pollinators, a mural of the future of Ojai and a music video in collaboration with the band Sage Against the Machine, Ray Powers, and Ian Whitehouse.

Nature is in Our Hands

Fall 2022

A short documentary that follows our Green Valley Project interns as they explore nature, interview experts and take part in environmental restoration projects happening all over Ventura County.