Youth for the Future

A Global Initiative

On September 23rd, Green Valley Project joined the Global Climate March. We had 45 youth and community members come out to support the march in Ojai and globally is was projected that over 30,000 people walked in this march. Green Valley Project Youth Council wanted to join the march in order to raise community awareness for the global climate crisis.

What's at stake?

Climate Change is a series of long-term changes in temperatures and weather patterns. The earth’s atmosphere traps heat on its surface which is natural. However, too much heat being trapped too quickly can cause chunks of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases to rapidly change weather patterns. With rising temperatures in regions, the effects can include floods, storms, heat waves, rising sea levels, melting glaciers and warm oceans.

Since 2010 the net loss of forests globally has been about 4.7 million hectares per year. A hectare is about 2.471 acres or 10,000 square meters. We’ve lost already almost half of all our worlds forests. Forests being lost correlates with a rise in CO2 levels. Global fuel emissions have also been rising in conjunction with deforestation. Rising temperatures have been increasing steadily since the industrial revolution. You may not have directly caused this problem, but you can be a part of the solution.

What can you do?

Become part of the Green Valley Project movement! Plant trees and California native plants in your yard, carpool or bike whenever possible, show your support by attending local marches, and volunteer with Green Valley Project at our community planting events.

The Green Valley Project has made wonderful strides in the past two years planting 50 oak 15 gallon oak trees trees, and 2500 California native plants for our community. We need volunteers support to continue to make this possible. You can help by joining a planting/watering/weed pulling event, using our California Native Plant list to create a drought tolerant yard on your property, or you can email us if you have any special skills, tools, or ideas that can help us to continue these important youth led projects.

“Even if all we can do right now is work locally, that’s still going to make the world better. If everyone worked locally the world would already be fixed” (Myranda Felton, Spring Youth Council President 2022).


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